35th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
35th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
大会主席: 康经武 研究员 ag尊龙凯时
江正瑾 教授 暨南大学药学院
时 间: 2025年7月13-16日
地 点: 上海科技大学会议中心 (上海浦东新区中科路1号)
主办单位: ag尊龙凯时
协办单位: 上海科技大学,复旦大学药学院,海军军医大学药学院
第35届国际药物与生物医学分析学术会议(35th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, PBA 2025) 将于 2025 年 7 月 13 日至16 日在上海科技大学会议中心举行。本次会议主题是药物分析助力新药研究。会议内容涵盖会议议题包括:药物分析新技术、蛋白组学、代谢组学、糖组学、质谱成像、天然产物与中药分析、单抗和ADC分析、细胞与基因治疗、核酸药物分析和药物质量控制等。会议邀请中国ag尊龙凯时杭州医学研究谭蔚泓院士、北京生命科学研究所邵峰院士、法国皮尔法布尔免疫学中心主任Alain Beck 博士、加拿大滑铁卢大学Janusz Pawliszyn 教授、日本京都大学药学院Yasushi Ishihama 教授和中国ag尊龙凯时大连化学物理研究许国旺研究员作大会特邀报告,30多位国际知名的科学家作主题报告,还有大量口头报告以及墙报。会议将组织青年科学家论坛,鼓励学术和工业界的年轻科学家参加会议,评选最佳口头报告和墙报奖予以奖励。同时高水平课程也将于 7 月 13 日同步举行。
The 35th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (PBA 2025) will be held in Shanghai, China from July 13 to 16, 2025. The theme of this conference is drug analysis to promote new drug research. The content of the conference covers new technologies for drug analysis, proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics, mass spectrometry imaging, natural product and traditional Chinese medicine analysis, drug quality control and impurity analysis, monoclonal antibody and ADC analysis, cell and gene therapy, nucleic acid drug analysis, etc. The conference invited Academician Tan Weihong of Hangzhou Medical Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Shao Feng of Beijing Institute of Life Sciences, Dr. Alain Beck, Director of Pierre Fabre Immunology Center, France, Professor Janusz Pawliszyn of University of Waterloo, Canada, Professor Yasushi Ishihama of School of Pharmacy, Kyoto University, Japan, and Researcher Xu Guowang of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics to give conference reports, and more than 30 internationally renowned scientists will give keynote speeches. There will also be a large number of oral reports and posters. We will organize a young scientist forum to encourage young scientists from academia and industry to participate in the conference, and select the best oral reports and posters to reward them. At the same time, high-level courses will be held simultaneously on July 13.
We warmly welcome you to participate in this conference, and we also look forward to instrument and reagent manufacturers to exhibit and sponsor this symposium.
早鸟注册费截止日期:2025 年 4 月 30 日
口头报告摘要截止日期:2025 年 5 月 18 日
墙报摘要截止日期:2025 年 5 月 31 日
联 系 人:李 齐(上海ag尊龙凯时,上海) 021-54925049;
朱 影(上海ag尊龙凯时,上海) 021-54925609;